Where, when, and how you’ll search. Set your databases, filters, and search dates.
Pick your search terms with the help of our ‘search previews’ and live result counts. Without leaving the page.
Automatically search and process results from 5 Major Databases (and upload your results from many others).
Duplicates are marked, recorded and hidden from your reviews (but reported in your outputs).
Generate an audit-trail to submit and satisfy even the toughest auditors.
Review full-texts and extract the most important data for your reports (customizable).
Make your reading and extraction faster by auto-highlighting important sections.
No more duplicate purchases, or graveyard Sharepoint Folders for your citations and full-texts.
Our Protocols and Process were designed with Meddev 2.7.1 rev4 Compliance in mind.
We highlight the text that matters (Abstract/Full-Text PDF) so you can read and review faster.
Seen an article before? Quickly verify if a text has been reviewed in a previous project by you or a teammate and what the result was.
Re-run the same protocol as an update and maintain review continuity year after year.
Don’t forget your vigilance databases! We support FDA Events/Recalls and many European databases too.
If your text is available freely, we’ll download it behind the scenes for you automatically.
Pressed for time, or stuck on a review? Our team of FDA/Notified-Body approved medical writers is standing by to help.